Thursday, November 30, 2006

Melt-Down Munchkins Part 2

It seems that visiting the family was a hit not only for the individuals involved but also for the ongoing experiments left to their own devices in Denver. My MLR worked!! With P values like 0.00068, everybody's a winner! Bebo even submitted his long awaited journal to Nature Structure & Molecular Biology yesterday. Yippee!

Though this isn't from last weekend, I thought it was a great flash-back anyway...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

When life gives ya lemons...

Melt-Down Munchkins

Bebo and I had a wonderful time in Roanoke visiting Mama & Dada & Auntie Mo & the Melt-Down Munchkins for Thanksgiving. Here is an example of the wonderful food we were treated to for the holiday...

We had a very relaxing break and rejuvinated ourselves to get back to the bench for some quality researchin'. The munchkins were adorable as ever and were on their bestest behavior. Big little Aidan progressed from "Auntie Melody" to "Auntie Melanie" and even allowed me to cuddle & kiss him, and hold his hand & carry him around. I have the distinct advantage of possessing uncanny Kara-esque appearance and voice characteristics allowing for quick acceptance from the knee-highs. Auntie Melanie took advantage of Aidan's naughty time punishments to soothe him and sneak in even more kisses and squeezes! They were actually both very well behaved and I only have 2 naughty pictures to share out of 200. That means they only mis-behave 1% of the time, right?

To be continued...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I'm trying my second MLR today. The first one I did didn't work. This is a 3 day process so I'm hoping it works. We'll see since I didn't start it until after having two bluemoons with an orange slice to celebrate the end of the dictatorship. I just don't see how a democracy can function when there are no checks and or balances. Therefore I am delighted that the one-party system is dented. It is encouraging to see that Bush doesn't seem to be taking the unilateral approach to dealing with the new house and senate leadership and can only hope that his actions actually follow his words. I think it was obvious in this election that the voting public was responding to the obvious examples of absolute power corrupting absolutely. I heard some people only vote against incumbants purely for that reason. Interesting concept. On a more local note, Bill Ritter won governor and that will probably mean a raise in my stipend which is long overdue considering of all the significant cuts in state funding, higher education was cut the most. And of all cuts in higher education, the Health Sciences Center was cut the most. We're a public institution pumping out doctors, nurses, dentists, physical therapists, etc. but apparently that is not an priority which is sad considering it only increases the cost of health care when there are already shortages of these professionals. Anyways, as a public institution, we actually pay more in taxes than we receive back from the state. We would be much better off being a private institution. Many private institutions actually get more in state funding than our "state funded" school. But, in lean times, higher ed gets cut first and we're certainly feeling it. I know of several students who couldn't find labs willing to fund them since money is so tight. "Bye-bye." Ha ha. My rant is over. I don't have funny baby stories so I talk about annoying politics. Well, after my visit to Roanoke I'll be much more interesting.

Sunday, November 05, 2006



Aidan's so Pretty

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Famous Little Guy!